
Pay as you go and no contract mobile hotspot—GlocalMe G1

Many international travellers coming back from overseas and being hit with a huge mobile phone bill for international data roaming abroad. When travelling overseas, it's often better to use a prepaid local SIM card rather than rely on your regular mobile plan
But travellers face continual problems of language barriers, inconvenience and contract limits - often using restrictive pre-paid services. Tight travel schedules placed a burden on carrying second phones and selecting the appropriate local SIM cards. For travelers with locked phones, local SIM cards were simply not an option.

To help international travelers eliminate ridiculous roaming fees and allow them to access the internet more conveniently, uCloudlink has just unveiled a new product that could offer travelers a cheaper way to use internet services worldwide. 
The GlocalMe G1 is a portable 3G free roaming hotspot that allows people to connect to the internet without roaming.  GlocalMe G1 is meant to be a simple-to-use product that can allow you to get data on your phone without having to search for and swap out a SIM card when you land at your destination
GlocalMe G1 creates a small wifi hotspot, allowing you to connect a handful of devices such as a laptop, tablet and smartphone while you're travelling

Overseas, your data plan hooks on to a local network through GlocalMe G1 – the price per megabyte might vary slightlybut the most you will pay is €0.05 per MBup to a maximum of €4 a day for PAYG users.
Right now, GlocalMe G1 allows borderless travelers to enjoy local rates in over 60 countries. By the end of 2014,  over 100 countries will be available. For the latest available country and rates list, please visit our website: www.glocalme.com 
For travellers who travels more than one country, the GlocalMe G1 seems like a smart choice。
GlocalMe--Your Global Local Net!


3G free roaming hotspot(GlocalMe G1)—international data roaming solution

We all know that it is incredible high to roaming abroad。More than 95% of international travelers complain about the high expenses of roaming charges. 
European mobile networks charge between £3 and £8 per megabyte in countries outside of the Europe.  For example, Q2 charges 46 pence per MB for data usage in UK,£3 per MB within the Europe and £6 per MB outside the Europe. 

uCloudlink focuses on data roaming solution for three years,and try to supply international travellers a cheaper way to use internet worldwide。Now uCloudlink has just unveiled a new product ,GlocalMe G1,which could offer travelers global internet access services。
The GlocalMe G1 is a portable 3G Wi-Fi hotspot that allows people to connect to the internet without roaming.  
GlocalMe G1 has a switch on one edge and a mini-USB power connector. 
There is a USB port on the device so that it can be easily charged through a laptop. 
 It can run for about 10 hours on its battery, although this will depend on the usage scenario.
When it's switched on, it will search for local networks and connect directly to the best network. Because it's a direct connection, the data rates you'll receive in those countries will be the native speeds that they support. GlocalMe G1 user will be able to access internet speeds of up to 7.2Mbps  

How to use GlocalMe G1
1 Register account on www.glocalme.com
2 Top your account with PayPal or credit card。
3 Activate your account with the IMEI number of GlocalMe G1 in account center。
4 Switch on GlocalMe G1
5 Find GlocalMe Wi-Fi in the list of wireless networks on your phone and enter password.  

GlocalMe coverage covers 60 countries ,and will expend to 100 countries by the end of 2014。For the latest available country, please visit our website: www.glocalme.com 


Travel abroad,you can try Glocalme G1——3G free roaming Hotspot

More and more people like to travel worldwide and like to experience different cultures.Travelling abroad is a wonderful thing except the internet。Any overseas traveller knows the pain of feeling disconnected. Nowdays, our digital existence rests on our access to the internet, but it isn't always easy to get connected. From hefty hotel fees to incredible roaming charges, internet service costs more than other expenditures when you travel abroad.

To help international travelers eliminate ridiculous roaming fees and allow them to access the internet more conveniently, uCloudlink has just unveiled a new product that could offer travelers a cheaper way to use internet services worldwide. 
The GlocalMe G1 is a portable 3G Wi-Fi hotspot that allows people to connect to the internet without roaming.  
GlocalMe G1 creates a small wifi hotspot, allowing you to connect a handful of devices such as a laptop, tablet and smartphone while you're travelling
This means no more panic over data roaming or looking for the nearest Wi-Fi when you land overseas, you simply connect to GlocalMe and use your device to surf the internet 。 
GlocalMe G1 is meant to be a simple-to-use product that can allow you to get data on your phone without having to search for and swap out a SIM card when you land at your destination
GlocalMe G1 allow users to access data overseas without having to change any of their "usual data habits".

Right now, GlocalMe G1 allows borderless travelers to enjoy local rates in over 60 countries. By the end of 2014,  over 100 countries will be available. For the latest available country and rates list, please visit our website: www.glocalme.com 
Your Global Local Net!Global roaming with Local rates!